We spoke to Katie Savill from @klskin_, one of our loyal customers about how Ameliorate helped transform the Keratosis Pilaris bumps on her legs and arms and how she noticed a 'huge improvement' in just '6-weeks'.
Read on to find out how she discovered Ameliorate, her favourite products that helped treat the Keratosis Pilaris bumps on her legs and what being confident in her skin means to her...

I First Heard About Ameliorate From...
The people I follow on Instagram! I saw Ameliorate products popping up everywhere on people's stories, feeds and videos. The fact that it can help with Keratosis Pilaris (which is what I suffer from), I knew I also had to try the products and in particular the Transforming Body Lotion and Smoothing Body Exfoliant.
I Was Concerned About My Skin Because...
I have suffered from Keratosis Pilaris since I was very young. I have had redness and Keratosis Pilaris bumps on my arms and legs for years but it is more noticeable on my legs and it was time to do something about it!
Ameliorate Has Transformed My Skin By...
Finally reducing the redness, hard skin and Keratosis Pilaris bumps on my legs! The Transforming Body Lotion and Smoothing Body Exfoliant are the smooth leg dream team. In just 6-weeks I noticed a huge improvement in the appearance and smoothness of the bumps on my legs. The Keratosis Pilaris hasn't completely gone and I don't think it ever will, but it has reduced it dramatically.

My Favourite Ameliorate Product Is...
Definitely the Transforming Body Lotion. It provides long lasting hydration and leaves my skin feeling soft and nourished for hours.
I'm A Fan Of Ameliorate Because...
After years of suffering from Keratosis Pilaris and no luck with other products and methods, these products have actually worked for me and within not a long amount of time you can start noticing results.
Being confident in my skin means...
Not worrying about what everyone else thinks and do what makes you happy!
Follow Katie on Instagram for advice on all things skincare, makeup and beauty @Klskin_
Shop Katie's Favourite Ameliorate Products
Want the lowdown on the ingredients within our hero LaH6 Complex? Savvy-up on the science behind it here.